2023年3月4日 星期六

各國政府工作犬照片 連結(正)

 字數 7476

工作犬,只能使用 P字鍊 或 鐵鍊項圈 訓練 或 拉扯著行走?? 】

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英國狗披掛 趕赴泰國營救穿山甲














Finland Suspends Protection Sport Training(Discussion Starter · #1 · Mar 2, 2021) Finland has banned E collars and Prong Collars and (as I have said here in other posts) abusive trainers will simply use what they have (hands and feet). Hitting and Kicking dogs is also illegal. These people were caught. https://www.dogforums.com/threads/finland-suspends-protection-sport-training.509522/

紐約市政府 (The New York City Council)於2/1/2011頒佈法令,禁止任何人替任何動物繫上P字鏈或釘帶(choke collar or pinch collar),不論繫著的時間有多短。

2017年 多倫多 有新附例生效,禁止狗主為狗隻配戴可以索緊的狗頸圈、頸繩、釘帶以及任何類似的器具,警犬及配戴martingale collar(中文俗稱8字頸圈)的狗隻除外。

澳洲維多利亞洲 於2004年禁止對任何動物使用釘帶,(農業)部長指出「禁令和訓練無關,而是因為要防止對動物殘酷。絕大多數訓犬及動物福利機構不支持於正當犬隻訓練中使用這類道具。」

比利時布魯塞爾 禁止使用。


German police dogs sent off duty after ban on ‘pulling collars’(This article is more than 8 months old)

Method used to control dogs while making arrests illegal under new animal rights law

Berlin police dogs trained to attack perpetrators have been put on an enforced break, along with their handlers, over contradictions between the methods used to control them and a new law to prevent cruelty to dogs.

The use of pulling collars to channel a police dog’s aggression towards an agitator or potential criminal contravenes the law, introduced by the former agriculture minister, which came into force on 1 January.

Police said that about 49 dogs, out of about 130 used for operations from arresting perpetrators to drug and explosives detection or locating missing persons, were suspended from duty until a solution was found that would not involve officers breaking the law.

A police spokesperson, Thilo Cablitz, said: “We are currently unable to deploy a section of our service dogs due to changes in the animal protection act governing dogs.” Those suspended include dogs working alongside special forces, the SEK, and those used to protect people as well as to arrest offenders.

The training of “Schutzhunde”, or protection dogs, involves being able to control when a dog ends an attack, by tugging briefly on a “pulling collar” to restricts the animal’s airway. The logic is that if a dog’s aggression, considered necessary for the apprehension, is not controlled, it could cause serious injury or death to the perpetrator.

Under the new ordinance, brought into law by the former agriculture minister Julia Klöckner, the use of such punitive stimuli is no longer allowed when training dogs. While primarily introduced to improve standards of dog ownership in Germany, the rules are intended to apply to all German dogs, including guard dogs.

The agriculture ministry has said its decision was based on scientific studies showing that punitive stimuli “contradicts the concept of animal welfare”.

Included in the act are rules governing the all-round care and upkeep of dogs, from the size, temperature and ventilation of their kennels, to breeding practices. Dog owners are obliged to take their pets for regular walks, to spend time with them and to ensure they have contact with other dogs. Chaining dogs, except under certain circumstances and conditions, pinch collars and other equipment or practices considered to induce pain, are forbidden.

Klöcker has said the need for an update to existing legislation was long overdue but had become urgent during the pandemic, as increasing numbers of people with no experience of owning pets had bought dogs, and cases of abuse were rife. Pet shop owners and breeders should also carry more responsibility for dogs’ welfare, she said.

The law change has been known about for months but its effect on the daily workings of police attack dogs seems to have taken police and politicians by surprise.

Stephan Kelm, the vice-chair of the Berlin branch of the police union, GdP, said a solution needed to be found, as the dogs’ suspension would have “severe consequences for domestic security”, and the union had asked for the federal interior minister, Nancy Faeser, to intervene. He said the act affected forces across Germany. “We are completely open to innovative training methods, in which it is not necessary to inflict pain. But right now we don’t know of any,” he said.

Cablitz said police were having discussions with Berlin’s interior ministry. “We are in dialogue with the ministry in order to find a solution,” he said. The interior ministry has not yet commented.



【111.09.21. 記。 美國911災難,搜救犬圖片輯,點入網址還有圖

(Episode #101) Dog Heroes of 9-11.

Published: 09/07/2021

Categories: Episode | Dog Behavior | Dogs | Guest Speakers



The Dogs of 9/11: Their Failed Searches for Life Helped Sustain It


【111.09.21. 記。 美國的搜救犬,至少是使用項圈來工作,  不是 台灣 某一些工作犬 只用 鐵鍊 或P字鍊、領犬員的手往上提、鐵鍊勒緊狗狗的脖子 走路!

工作犬 為了完成 人類交辦的任務,已經犠牲(部份)屬於狗狗自己天性的生活方式 與 自由,可以對他們再好一點嗎!?

(2020年01月23日 20:00 記者陳雕文/新北報導)


All About Search and Rescue Dogs

By JENNIFER LESSER,  Published on 06/29/21

BrentBinghamPhotography.com / Getty Images



Out Woofing It- Telluride Avalanche Dogs



Telluride Avalanche Dogs



Absaroka 搜索犬

Absaroka Search Dogs:

Specialists in Canine Search and Rescue.

Proudly serving Montana and Northern Wyoming since 1986.



德國 杜塞爾多夫機場,3歲狼犬專門尋找旅客私帶的金錢。 (2張圖)
Customs dog sniffs out €1.2 million in cash at Düsseldorf Airport
13 May 2019  09:01 CEST+02:00


German sniffer dog Luke finds €745,000 in cash (01.03.2019)


英國機場海關嗅探犬 (狼犬)
British drug sniffing dogs are great at finding sausages, but not drugs
By ReutersApril 14, 2016 | 7:53am



More meat-sniffing dogs to roam PHL airports
By Butch Fernandez -June 6, 2019150 尼諾·阿基諾國際機場


CIA 之 K9軍團,訓練方法 ↓↓

FOR DOG PEOPLE | By Elisabeth Geier
The CIA Reveals Their Top 10 Dog Training Tips
The CIA’s 10 most important tips for training your dog:


Google > Customs dog:https://pse.is/LDNGE

美國海岸防衛隊的軍犬,他們是屬於軍方,工作性質類似台灣的海巡,海事執法 ↓
Google > USCG K9https://pse.is/L6GJX 😍 就是〝帥〞!



USCG K-9 Unofficial  2018年4月1日
Meet USCG Feline Milo. Milo is part of the Coast Guard’s new Feline Explosives Detection Team (FEDT). The new program will use feline’s stealth, agility and nine lives in order to carry out detection operations in our nation’s busiest ports. The Coast Guard anticipates over 400 cats to be inservice by the end of 2018.



USCG K-9 Unofficial(2018年6月17日)


