2023年12月26日 星期二

被飼主教壞 ~ 被人類誤解的狗

字數 6319

流浪比特犬到派出所1天就逆轉狗生!所有警察欽點牠當警犬 還辦入隊儀式擁專屬警徽 (2023-12-26 11:28 聯合新聞網/綜合報導)


Hopkinsville Police Department

Hump Day mood with Chief Newby and Bolo!


Shelter Dog Visits Police Department For A Day And Ends Up Staying Forever

“That’s when he got really happy ... He knew.”

By Elizabeth Claire Alberts

Published on 12/22/2023 at 12:37 PM



被主人嫌棄的狗,成為國家檢疫犬。 米格魯
今周刊(2019.11月27日下午8:30 Facebook)



會思考的狗行為獸醫團隊 The Thinking Dog VBT

劉佳郁 >
會思考的狗行為獸醫團隊 The Thinking Dog VBT
(109. 9月24日下午6:31  Facebook)
在我見到芮菈的第一眼,她水汪汪的大眼並沒有跟我對到眼,而是轉過身背對著我,坐在角落;抱起她時,她的身體顫抖著、仍然迴避我的目光,當時的我以為她害羞所以不看我。🐶 OS: 這個人為什麼要一直盯著我看,又把我抱起來,我都迴避了她怎麼還是靠我那麼近?



比特犬救起受傷鳥兒腳邊守護! 見牠醒來「眼神擔心→發亮」暖暈媽(2020年08月15日 17:54:00
飼主伊麗莎白(Elizabeth Houston)表示,查理是她在2年前收編的狗狗,


比特犬因外表凶惡受盡白眼 1次意外救險死婆婆 待遇大逆轉(2019/12/06 晴報)
據外國媒體「The dodo」報道,一位瑞典人Arjanit Mehana飼養了一隻比特犬Simba,因為品種的關係,不少鄰居在見到Simba時都敬而遠之,總是一臉懼怕,特別是一位老婆婆,「Simba每次和她打招呼,婆婆都會面露鄙視和恐懼的眼神避開,但Simba毫不在意。」,直到早前,主人Arjanit如常帶Simba去散步時,在回家途中,Simba似乎發現不對勁,經過婆婆家門時突然停下來,開始吠叫,即使Arjanit試圖拉走牠亦不成功。


比特呆門的舅媽  @pit.di.amond
寵物  2019. 12月3日 11:00
...... 從小就讓專業的訓犬師指導,成功的社會化
明明呆門已經很棒了 😔
就算是別人家的狗狗先兇人,也會被恐龍家長說:為什麼你們要帶那麼危險的狗出來 🙃🙃

【  敢踢比特犬! 看到有人牽才敢動腳吧!
任何狗,有主人牽著,都會安全一點; 任何狗,沒有主人牽、放養亂跑,其他人都要提高警覺! 小型犬、米克斯也會很兇、會追逐。
看過 有主人牽的~法鬥犬 衝過來,然後低吼,而我的狗像是要迎戰的樣子,趕快拉開! 咦~
法鬥應該是友善的狗啊! 主人的態度導致不論品種的狗狗都危險。

會思考的狗寵物行為訓練矯正工作室在磨鼻子動物醫院 Bisous Animal Hospital 。
2019. 10月27日下午12:36 · 中壢區 ·
我長得像比特 我驕傲!

會思考的狗寵物行為訓練矯正工作室在磨鼻子動物醫院 Bisous Animal Hospital 。
2019. 7月21日 · 中壢區


請搜尋:會思考的狗行為獸醫團隊 Facebook 談到比特犬的訓練與行為。

 比特犬提前感應病徵救命 主人感動:沒牠不可能活
10月17日, 2019 編輯 / 張羽緹 CTWant

媽心臟病昏倒...比特犬舔臉幫她保持清醒 急找路人求救
2019年10月14日 19:47:00 記者闕雁琳/綜合報導 ETtoday寵物雲

比特犬外表凶猛卻藏溫柔性格 貼身保護婆婆 每走一步都回頭看(2019-07-23 17:00 香港01 撰文:何穎琪)
Lollipop本來是一頭流浪狗,兩年多前在街頭遇上現任主人Cathy Officee。當時僅得8個月大的牠於街頭流浪,隨即引起一群熱心市民的注意。市民為防止牠衝出馬路釀成危險,遂用牽繩套著牠身上,並留在原地照看牠。其後,Cathy Officee恰巧駕車經過,看到停在一旁的牠,便下車向該群熱心市民查詢。聽罷前因後果,Cathy很快便決定帶牠回家。


會思考的狗寵物行為訓練矯正工作室分享了 1 則貼文。 2019.01.26. PM02:46
The Dodo / Service Dog Helps His Mom Do Everything She Loves

Can a Pitbull Be a Therapy Dog or Emotional Support Dog?
31 July, 2018

Can a Pit Bull Be a Service Dog?
21 September, 2018

2019 (108).01. 記 (大概是此時寫的感想)
以前,我在天空部落格收集很多 友善比特犬的新聞、美國也有飼主希望為比特犬聲譽平反,這些新聞被 不管部落格主死活的天空網站搞不見了!
在美國,有專門救援比特犬的協會,將比特犬訓練成為可以被領養、甚至是服務犬; 也有比特犬與一群雞,鴨,寵物鼠,兔子一起長大; youtube影片,比特犬進入鴨鴨的家,小心翼翼的用鼻子去移動幼鴨。

某專家:「比特犬見狗就咬」 哼 😤
在台灣看到任何犬,都不要貿然靠近、逗弄,我就遇過好多手殘在逗狗的人,狗是不會咬人 (目前不會),主人我會開罵,因為被打擾,看到狗就想玩並且無視主人的人還不少,都是手殘,該怪狗?

108.08.25.PM09:48. 修正文
我們也遇過 藏獒,不想跟我的狗玩,只有站著,我的狗嚇到逃走,藏獒淡定,沒有盯著我的狗看、視線朝另一方。 

惡霸犬 綜合美國比特鬥牛梗 和 美國斯塔福郡梗犬的特點。
比特犬 主要是由 美系斯塔福犬 和 美國鬥牛犬 培育。 (

流浪比特犬見人就抖 直到被撫摸第1下才開啟牠心門(2016年04月17日 16:38:00 ETtoday寵物雲)https://pets.ettoday.net/news/682084

July 28, 2014  編輯:Annie Huang
.... 這兩隻狗在薩凡納街道被找到。當時 Joanie 用嘴巴帶著她的朋友 Chachi 走來走去 ,每隔幾步,她就停下了舔舔 Chachi 受到感染的眼球,擔心他的安危。.....

我在寵物店的日子  2019.03.07.PM08:10
陳巧倫:洗過喔,其實有些乖的很憨厚。 圖:
Ging Ying:我在寵物店的日子 還很神經質
Jia-yu LI:狗都是跟主人的,我遇過的比特、惡霸、斯塔福都好憨厚好可愛,但肌肉跟噸位真的很厲害,馬步沒站穩都會被撞飛。


我在路上遇過 傑克羅素梗犬 (跳跳狗),我牽著自己的狗 (體重18公斤) 與對方靠近、測試雙方反應,但不要粘在一起,雙方都有牽繩; 傑克羅素梗往前衝、低吼、完全沒有什麼安定訊號動作; 我的狗看對方有反應就想靠近的白目; 傑克羅素梗想衝撞、連續低吼,讓我覺得不妙,好像要打架,我們退開,在旁邊看著 傑克羅素梗 與 黑柴犬互動。 傑克羅素梗 仍然後強勢,我聽到柴犬唉一聲退開,雙方主人仍然近距離站者不動。 哈囉~柴犬在閃躲了 (我沒開口說,心裏想)。 原來狗互相認識,之前在附近玩過。 傑克羅素梗飼主一直說 "狗是在玩",天啊~傑克羅素梗在霸凌其他狗、當獵物? 發洩情緒! 一些主人都說「牠是在玩」 ~什麼!😒
以前養的 20幾公斤的大狗,散步被店家放養的吉娃娃追逐,吉娃娃不只追我家的狗,直到我大吼 "你不怕狗被人打",飼主才把狗關起來!關在小籠子裡,吉娃娃也很慘,爛飼主。 
狗體型小,大家都覺得沒關係,汪汪叫也很可愛; 中型犬就該戴口罩、被霸凌、任人(狗) 玩,不能反擊。 😕哼

2023年10月29日 星期日

德國 動物保護2

德國 動物保護

德國之聲 2023.10.29. 呂恆君
呂恆君(Dr. Hangkun Strian),德國漢學家,在柏林洪堡大學亞非研究所獲得哲學博士學位。主要研究及興趣領域為文學史、電影、基督宗教本土化、國際關系等。其也是邊境牧羊犬Kelly與拉布拉多犬Balou的女主人。

中國羅威納犬傷人事件 德國養狗有何規定? (日期 25.10.2023, DW)

終結流浪動保聯盟(2019.9月27日下午10:10 Facebook)

1. 德國是零安樂國家
2. 德國棄養罰2萬歐元(60萬台幣)
3. 德國寵物店買不到狗


1. 這說法根本自己打臉,內文也提到「德國很少執行安樂死」但 #不是零安樂,而且完全沒有提及德國沒有流浪犬的原因還包含聯邦狩獵法同意獵人在人類居住地區200公尺以外的區域「合法」獵殺遊蕩犬貓。 http://www.tanews.org.tw/info/9534

2. 沒錯,德國棄養罰很重,但前提是要抓的到,我國販售毒品罰則也相當重,但依然有人販毒,所以妄想用加重刑責來減少犯罪或違法行為根本是 #妄想。

3.這點完全錯誤,德國的寵物店「依然買的到狗」,只是對於寵物店的要求非常高而已。 http://www.tanews.org.tw/info/12395
Facebook 全文:https://pse.is/ME35S

唐芯:Min Yang 可以賣狗!
德國從未立法禁止寵物店販賣犬貓。但是德國於2001年施行《犬隻命令》,具體規定養狗者應遵守飼養方法;並且適用於寵物店,但店家因空間及成本考量難以執行,才會有間接抑制寵物店販賣犬貓的說法;而且德國有一間唯一合法也是德國最大的寵物店「扎亞茨動物園」是德國唯一合法賣狗的寵物店。還賣其他動物魚類包括爬蟲動物! (2019.9月27日下午10:21)

留言版 還有可以看的
這 名青年在本地一個展會上買了一條毒蛇幼蟲,可有一天發現眼鏡蛇從魚缸裡溜走了。因為這種眼鏡蛇毒性非常大,如果有人被咬傷,24小時可有生命危險。於是消 防隊出動,把小青年的住所封鎖了,樓裡的居民全部搬走,小青年住所的牆壁、地板、天花板都翻起來。一直等了三個星期,才找到這條不足30厘米的小蛇,它被 粘死在一個粘條上了,整個找蛇行動花了10萬歐元。



2023年10月26日 星期四

日本 動物新聞


未繫牽繩!4獵犬撲人撕咬 散步婦頭部見骨、單耳遭咬斷

TVBS 編輯 劉哲琪 報導 2023/09/20 16:03






2023年8月13日 星期日

Elanco Seresto 負面新聞2

 字數 24671

Slammed for lax oversight of flea collars blamed for pet deaths, EPA seeks to hand off regulation to FDA  (March 102023

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wants to relinquish its oversight of pet pesticide products in the wake of criticism for its handling of a popular flea and tick collar linked to more than 100,000 reports of pet injuries and deaths.

Its bid to hand the job to the Food and Drug Administration caps a tumultuous period for the EPA triggered by a March 2021 Investigate Midwest/USA TODAY investigation that showed the collar has been the subject of more incident reports than any other product in EPA history.

For years, EPA scientists have questioned the agency’s ability to regulate pet products because of how it has handled complaints about Seresto since it came on the market in 2012, according to Investigate Midwest/USA TODAY reporting. The EPA said Seresto is a “key part” but not all of the reason for the proposal.

Transferring regulation to FDA is a “potential long-term solution,” said Jake Li, EPA’s deputy assistant administrator for pesticide programs, in an interview with Investigate Midwest. 

“We can't play this whack-a-mole game where every time a Seresto-like incident comes up, we have to divert our staff to it,” Li said.

Investigation:Popular flea collar linked to almost 1,700 pet deaths. The EPA has issued no warning.

The EPA has been conducting a formal review of Seresto for nearly two years and expects to finalize the updated science assessment “in the next few months, Li said, adding that the FDA helped with the assessment, both by lending staff and a framework to evaluate post-market incident data. 

The work on Seresto illustrated the flaws with EPA’s process, Li said.

“In our ongoing review of Seresto incidents what really became evident to us is that, compared to FDA, we at EPA have far fewer resources, which means staff, expertise, infrastructure and funding, to evaluate animal safety and carry out the ongoing monitoring of products in the marketplace,” Li said.

Li said the EPA’s pesticide office has only two veterinarians on staff, and both were pulled from their regular duties to work on a review of Seresto “almost full time,” which slowed down their other jobs.

The Seresto review “has poached so much time out of people who are not assigned to any of this work that we believe there needs to be a much better solution for the long term,” Li said.

The agencies said in a joint whitepaper that FDA would need “significant new resources” to take over the management of the 600 topical products currently regulated by the EPA; however, the agencies said building a comparable program at EPA also would require even more resources and would be redundant with the FDA’s system.

FDA spokeswoman Veronika Pfaeffle said in an emailed statement that the current set-up doesn’t accommodate scientific advancement. 

“A modernized approach that better aligns with each agency’s expertise will better protect animal health and safety and improve clarity for pet owners,” Pfaeffle said in the email. 

‘FDA should be the one-stop-shop’
Under the current setup, the EPA is responsible for regulating pet pesticide products that are “not systemic,” or aren’t supposed to enter the bloodstream, while the FDA regulates “systemic” pet pesticide products, which are generally consumed by pets. 

However, the agencies said in the recent whitepaper that scientists now understand that many topical flea and tick treatments, including spot-on treatments and collars, actually do enter a pet’s bloodstream, raising questions about the EPA’s product approval process.

“Both agencies agree that FDA should be the one-stop-shop for animal drugs, for these external parasite treatments and so forth,” Li said.

The EPA and FDA are holding a joint virtual public meeting, titled “Modernizing the Approach to the EPA and FDA Oversight of Certain Products,” on March 22 at 1 p.m. EDT to discuss the changes. People can register for the meeting here. The proposal is also open for a 60-day public comment period until April 24. 

“Moving this forward is a good thing, but it will take years to do. This is the beginning of a very, very long process,” said Nathan Donley, environmental health science director of the Center for Biological Diversity, which petitioned to ban Seresto.

Donley expressed concern the EPA is allowing harm to continue by failing to take action on products like Seresto.

“It doesn't let the EPA off the hook,” Donley said. “They’ve got to do things now that are in their authority.”

Seresto is just one product connected to major concerns about pet and human safety. In October 2022, the EPA announced it would ban flea and tick collars containing the chemical tetrachlorvinphos, which has been linked to neurological damage in children.

EPA staff have also raised concerns in internal documents about pet products that contain fipronil, a chemical used in popular spot-on treatment Frontline Plus, which has been the subject of more than 5,000 human health incident reports, according to an Investigate Midwest review of incident data.

Review in the works for ‘years’
EPA staff sounded alarms about the safety of Seresto as early as 2015. But the agency did not launch a formal review until after the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition asking the agency to cancel Seresto, following Investigate Midwest's and USA TODAY’s reporting.

Last summer, a congressional subcommittee called on the EPA to cancel Seresto’s registration, noting that Canada had rejected the collar based on the EPA’s own incident data – and the EPA found an even greater link between pet death and the collar than Canadian regulators did. 

More:Congressional subcommittee seeks voluntarily recall of Seresto flea and tick collar

For years, EPA and officials from Bayer and Elanco, which purchased the animal health division of Bayer – including Seresto – in 2020, met to discuss the agency’s issues with the product. In those meetings, company officials blamed other factors, including the high number of Seresto collars sold. 

Elanco maintains the collar is safe based on internal studies. A company-funded analysis found that the two chemicals in Seresto – imidacloprid and flumethrin – have not been responsible for any pet deaths.

EPA scientists did multiple comparisons over the years between Seresto and other products that indicated Seresto had a higher number of pet deaths than other products, documents show. Those scientists often emailed that information, until a superior told two scientists to keep their concerns off email.

Yet the EPA did not make the public aware of any risks. The EPA’s inspector general has launched a review into the agency’s handling of incident reports associated with the product.

Li said the proposal to transfer pet-pesticide product regulation to the FDA was in the works since before the public outcry over Seresto.

“Seresto is a key part of that, but it's not the only part,” Li said. “It predates Seresto by three to four years. It's really driven by the discussion between our career staff and the FDA’s career staff.”

In a March 2021 presentation made in response to the Investigate Midwest/USA TODAY story about Seresto, EPA staff pointed out that compared to the FDA, the agency’s process is lacking. The presentation noted the EPA’s process relies on company-funded studies that use less sensitive pet breeds and small sample sizes. By comparison, the FDA has a much more comprehensive pet product regulation process, which includes pre-market clinical trials and post-market surveillance.

The EPA also has no process for evaluating pet incident reports or any trigger for when incident numbers need further review.

Documents show that EPA officials briefed Ed Messina, director of the Office of Pesticide Programs, which oversees all pesticides, on the FDA/EPA issues in March 2021, shortly after the Investigate Midwest/USA TODAY story was published. 

In response, Messina attempted to reach out to the FDA, but FDA staff members declined to give Messina the email for Dr. Steven Solomon, director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine. 

“FDA counterparts don’t seem to want to give us his contact information. We don’t know what to do, it’s a very odd situation,” wrote Meredith Laws, an EPA employee.

Congressional action necessary to move forward
The proposal is taking “two separate but parallel tracks” – one for public input and one briefing Congress, Li said.

“In the end, Congress is the one who will decide whether and how to move this forward,” Li said. “We can only describe the challenges and what we're seeking directionally in terms of solutions.”

Li said the agencies are still briefing congressional committees on the proposal and aren’t yet finished.

Pfaeffle, the FDA spokeswoman, said in her emailed statement that the agencies are working with Congress on potential solutions. 

“We are asking for Congress’ help to work toward a modernized approach to product oversight that increases transparency and government efficiency, aligns with each agency’s expertise and provides regulatory certainty – to stakeholders, including animal owners, industry, veterinarians and others,” the statement said.

Li said the agencies have already met with industry and environmental groups to get feedback.

“We're in the very early stages of socializing this proposal,” Li said. “We decided, let’s get this out there early and start to get some high-level feedback from folks, then adjust it and see what people say.”

Investigate Midwest (previously The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting) is an independent, nonprofit newsroom focused on exposing dangerous and costly practices of influential agricultural corporations and institutions.

in NewswirePublished on October 13, 2022
Seresto Flea Collar Class Action Alleges Bayer, Elanco Misled Pet Owners About Deadly Product
by Corrado Rizzi

Bayer and Elanco Animal Health face a proposed class action that alleges the companies have misled consumers about the safety of Seresto tick and flea collars, which have reportedly been linked to more than 2,500 pet deaths and tens of thousands of injuries and adverse event reports.

The 88-page lawsuit alleges Bayer and Elanco, who purchased the product from Bayer in 2020, have “downplayed” reports of the serious side effects of the Seresto flea collar, even after such reports became public and the collars came under regulatory scrutiny, and have continued to falsely claim that the product is safe for pets. 

“At no point have Defendants disclosed this information to United States consumers,” the filing says, noting that the product’s label includes no warning that the Seresto collar may harm or kill pets, or that the product could cause any adverse side effects at all. 

The case states that the danger of the Seresto collar is so severe that it sparked a Congressional inquiry by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, who after a 16-month investigation issued a June 2022 report recommending that the Seresto flea and tick collar be recalled due to the dangers it poses to pets and humans. 

According to the suit, the problem with the collars stems from a combination of the pesticides imidacloprid and flumethrin, which, together, “magnify their harmful effects.” Per the case, one retired U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employee said the Seresto flea and tick collars “have the most incidents of any pesticide pet product she’s ever seen,” and the Congressional Subcommittee found that the product had “nearly three times the rate of total incidents, and nearly five times the rate of ‘Death’ or ‘Major’ incidents, as the second most dangerous flea and tick product.” 

The lawsuit says Canada, after reviewing incident and toxicology reports, banned the sale of the Seresto collars as they posed “too great a risk to animals and humans to be safe for use.” Other countries, similarly, have required “severe warnings” to be placed on the packaging of the collar, including the word “POISON” in large font on the front label, the suit adds. 

Despite Bayer and Elanco’s safety claims, Seresto collars have caused millions in damages for pet owners, both in what they overpaid for the dangerous product and in veterinarian and other medical expenses, the complaint alleges. 

According to the case, Seresto flea and tick collars accounted for over $300 million in revenue for Bayer in 2019 alone. Since 2012, Bayer and Elanco have sold more than 25 million Seresto collars in the United States, the suit reports. 

“Seresto pet collars are an enormous business segment, and consequently, Defendants have refused to make the product safer or warn consumers about the potential risks,” the suit reads, calling the defendants’ description of the collars as “veterinary medicine” a “misnomer.” 

The plaintiff, a Bedford, Indiana resident, says that after placing Seresto collars around the necks of his two dogs, they each developed rashes and experienced lethargy. One dog developed “a cough, a heart murmur, and congestive heart failure and needed to be euthanized,” while the other “developed multiple tumors,” the lawsuit states. The consumer claims that his surviving dog’s condition has improved somewhat since he stopped using the Seresto collar. 

All told, the plaintiff incurred more than $4,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses in treating his dogs, the filing says. 

Per the suit, neither the plaintiff nor other pet owners would have bought the Seresto collar had Bayer and Elanco disclosed the serious safety risks of the product. 

The case looks to cover all persons in the United States who, during the fullest period allowed by law, bought a Seresto flea and tick collar for use on a pet and not for resale. 

Warning: The complaint below contains graphic images of pets’ injuries. 

英文 文件檔。 有 受傷犬貓的圖片
Shannon v. Bayer Healthcare LLC et al. - 1:22-cv-02003

TOP TAKEAWAYS: Here are 5 important things to know from the new congressional investigation into Seresto collars
by Investigate Midwest staff
June 16, 2022

After 16 months of investigating, the House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy — part of the House Oversight Committee, the main investigative body in the U.S. House of Representatives — unfurled Wednesday its finding into the popular Seresto flea and tick collars and the Environmental Protection Agency’s role in regulating the collars. The collars work by slowly releasing two pesticides into pets’ fur to ward off fleas and ticks.

Elanco, the collars’ manufacturer, has maintained over the course of Investigate Midwest and USA TODAY’s reporting that the collars are safe. During a hearing Wednesday, Elanco’s president and CEO reiterated that point. (Read Elanco’s full statement here.)

Here are five important takeaways from the subcommittee’s investigation. 

Seresto collars have health warnings in other countries but not the U.S. Germany’s label notes the collar poses neurological risks, and Colombia’s label calls it highly toxic. Australia’s label contains the warning: “POISON.” Canada doesn’t even allow the collar to be sold.

Seresto’s first owner, Bayer, declined to update the U.S. label after updating Germany’s to note neurological risks to pets. Bayer owned Seresto’s production before Elanco purchased the company’s animal health division in 2020. The year before, the EPA asked Bayer to update the logo to reflect the one in Germany, which noted the collar’s neurological risks to pets. Bayer said the data didn’t support a label change.

Canada found incident rates involving the collars were high. In 2015, Canadian health officials examined the collars and found Seresto had an incident rate of 36 to 65 incidents per 10,000 collars sold, including three to five “death and major” incidents. The other collars in Canada at the time of the analysis had an incident rate of 0.07 per 10,000 collars sold.

The EPA confirmed Canada’s findings, and then some. After the EPA received Canada’s analysis, it performed its own. Canadian officials had studied 251 pet deaths linked to the collars and determined 84 of them, or 33%, were “probably or possibly” caused by the collar. The EPA found that 113, or 45%, were “probably or possibly” caused by the collar.

Elanco told the EPA its collar has only been linked to 12 probable or possible pet deaths. As of summer 2021, Elanco was aware of more than 2,300 pet deaths that were linked to the Seresto collars. Its own studies found that just 0.51% were “probably or possibly” caused by the collar.

Top image: Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D – Illinois) speaks at the June 15, 2022, hearing. He led the subcommittee’s investigation into Seresto.

Fox 8
Seresto flea collars linked to thousands of pet deaths: Congress
by: Matt Adams
Jun 17, 2022 / 01:57 PM EDT

(WXIN) – A congressional panel has recommended the recall of flea-and-tick collars linked to 2,500 pet deaths.

The Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy released a 24-page report this week on Seresto Flea and Tick Collars.

The findings follow a 16-month investigation into issues with the $70 collar, which is designed to protect dogs and cats from fleas and ticks. Millions of the flea collars have been sold since 2013.

Convenience is the main selling point. While most flea-and-tick treatments need to be applied monthly, the collars claimed eight months of protection for dogs and cats. They were designed to release small amounts of pesticide over the course of several months.

The product, originally made by Bayer Animal Health, which is now owned by Elanco Animal Health headquartered in Greenfield, Indiana, has been linked to 98,000 incidents involving “unexpected effects” and 2,500 pet deaths, according to the subcommittee.

Approval process
The subcommittee found the EPA rushed the collar’s approval process and employed dodgy science in doing so. The EPA first became aware of possible problems with the collar in 2015, ranking the Seresto collars No. 1 “by a wide margin” when it came to incidents with flea-and-tick products.

Seresto collars had nearly three times the number total incidents and nearly five times the rate of “deaths” or “major” incidents when compared to the second-most problematic flea-and-tick product. Canadian regulators didn’t approve the collar, ruling it posed “too great a risk to pets and their owners.”

Despite these issues, the EPA allowed the product to remain on the market, even after determining Seresto collars “probably or possibly caused 45%” of 251 pet deaths reviewed by agency.

Within the EPA, some officials voiced frustration over the continued availability of the Seresto collars and expressed relief at a report published by Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting and USA Today in March 2021.

“I hope there is a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act request] for all communications on this so that our emails are made public,” one scientist wrote. “We have been screaming about this for many years.” Another EPA official wrote that they hoped “this time someone can blow the lid off this travesty.”

Symptoms among pets, humans
Problems from the collar included lethargy, abnormal behavior, excessive grooming and vocalization, vomiting and diarrhea among pets. Irritated skin and lesions were also common. Some pets suffered from convulsions, muscle tremors or lost control of bodily movements.

Some pet owners noticed the symptoms and removed the collars early, the report indicated, citing information from Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA).

But pets were not the only ones at risk, according to PMRA findings. From 2012 through 2015, 357 pet owners reported problems stemming from the collars. According to data obtained by the PMRA from Bayer, “major” and “moderate” incidents totaled about 106 instances.

People reported things like hives and dermatitis. Some individuals experienced respiratory and neurological effects as well as dizziness, nausea or throat irritation. The problems were “probably or possibly caused by exposure to the Seresto collar,” the PMRA found.

The Canadian agency decided the only way to stop the collars from causing problems was to prohibit them from being sold in Canada. The PMRA rejected Bayer’s application to sell the product within its borders.

The EPA compiled similar data, the subcommittee found, but despite “overwhelming evidence” of potential problems, the U.S. agency approved the product and allowed it to remain on the market for years.

Downplaying the issues
In 2017, according to a whistleblower, at least one senior official with the Trump Administration tried to “tamp down” concerns over problems with the Seresto collars.

“Acting on orders from a senior EPA official, an EPA scientist instructed two other EPA officials to stop expressing their concerns about Seresto over email,” according to the report.

From the report:

In September 2018, according to documents released via a FOIA request, an EPA scientist reported 125 pet deaths linked to the Seresto collar in the second quarter of that year—“the highest number we have seen.” The scientist added that there had been 361 deaths linked to Seresto from August 30, 2017, to April 1, 2018, reflecting a trend of increasing death incidents.

Things got even worse in November 2018, when another EPA scientist shared data for the third quarter and reported 148 pet deaths. The scientist observed that the Seresto collar was “the only product where we are seeing this trend.”

EPA inaction
The report maintained that Bayer was aware of issues with the collars. Even so, the EPA proposed only “limited actions” to address the problem. The agency met with Bayer in July 2019, although it appeared nothing came from the meeting and no regulatory action took place.

Bayer rejected suggestions such as updating warning labels on the products. The labels remained unchanged. Another suggestion involved separate registrations for cat and dog collars to allow the EPA to better track data. Bayer decided the measure was too burdensome; an EPA product manager was sympathetic and agreed.

After Elanco Animal Health’s acquisition of Bayer in 2020, the Seresto collars “immediately became Elanco’s ‘top product globally,’” the report said. Bayer said it had provided its new owner with all relevant data relating to the collars.

Elanco, like Bayer, didn’t make any changes to the label in the U.S., even after the March 2021 USA Today report came to light. Seresto labels in Colombia classified the product as “highly toxic” while Australia’s label said, “POISON.”

Panel’s recommendation
Elanco, the report said, remained in denial about problems with the collars and had “taken the position that the safety and toxicity studies of the collar’s active ingredients do not support the claim that the collar could cause serious harm to animals.”

The subcommittee launched its investigation on March 17, 2021—about nine years after the collar received regulatory approval.

After the 16-month investigation, the subcommittee made three main recommendations:

Recall Seresto collars and begin the process of canceling the collar’s registration
Strengthen the EPA’s scientific review process
Improve incident data collection

“For too long, the Seresto collar has harm to many pets, and their owners,” the report concluded.

Elanco, in a March 2021 statement, said it planned to take no market action and maintained adverse events in the U.S. were below 0.3%. It said it has sold more than 25 million Seresto collars since the EPA approved the product.

Coverup of Dog Deaths at EPA, According to Internal Emails on Seresto Flea and Tick Collars

Veterinarians puzzled by flea collar angst
As scrutiny of Seresto ramps up, EPA reexamines adverse-event reports
July 7, 2022 (published)
By Lisa Wogan

Elanco Seresto 負面新聞

 字數統計 19456

elanco seresto 

零蚤蝨 在國外 幾年前 有很多負面的案例,當台灣獸醫有推薦,我驚訝。 2022年還有負面新聞。 更多新聞,請自己 Google。

知名寵物驅蟲項圈在美涉及近1,700例寵物死亡 受害飼主呼籲通報不良反應

動物友善網 2021-03-04記者 李娉婷/報導
近日,《今日美國》(USA TODAY)和《中西部調查報告中心》(Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting)調查報導指出,美國最受歡迎寵物驅蟲產品之一的「零蚤蝨頸圈」(Seresto)自2012年在該國上市以來,已經涉及近1,700例寵物死亡事件,但負責管制含有殺蟲劑產品的美國環保局(EPA)卻沒有對此發出警告。......................
零蚤蝨頸圈是拜耳公司(Bayer)開發的寵物驅蟲項圈,由禮藍公司(Elanco)販售,作用效期可長達8個月,它含有的殺蟲劑應該能殺死跳蚤、壁蝨和和其他對寵物有害的昆蟲,並對貓狗安全,但根據監督EPA的非營利組織「生物多樣性中心」(Center for Biological Diversity)獲得的聯邦文件,自2012引進該產品以來,EPA已收到至少1,698例與零蚤蝨頸圈有關的寵物死亡報告。.............

Popular flea collar linked to almost 1,700 pet deaths. The EPA has issued no warning.
Johnathan Hettinger
Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting

A popular flea collar was linked to nearly 1,700 animal deaths, report says, but the EPA hasn't issued any warnings about it
Aylin Woodward
Mar 4, 2021, 7:13 AM

United States Environmental Protection Agency (.gov)
Seresto Pet Collar Review
Related Topics: Pets
Seresto Pet Collar Review
Over the past several years, EPA has been improving its method for considering pet product-incidents, such as those reported for Seresto collars, in the pesticide registration and re-evaluation process. As part of this effort, and due to the number of Seresto-related incidents reported to EPA, the Agency began an in-depth review of the incidents of Seresto collars in 2021.

EPA has reviewed an extensive set of data it required Elanco, the current registrant of Seresto collars, to submit and reviewed the many incidents reported to EPA’s Incident Data System to determine whether the collars may contribute to an elevated number of pet-related incidents. Throughout the review process, EPA consulted with FDA, which regulates similar products for cats and dogs, including flea and tick products that are ingested. EPA used information gathered during this review process to make its determination about the product.

EPA’s Incident Review Findings
EPA’s scientific review of Seresto-related incident reports identified the need for more detailed incident reporting and public outreach. EPA analyzed all incidents that reported death for Seresto. This included 1,400 deaths reported to EPA from 2016-2020, which represent 2 percent of all Seresto incidents reported for these years. In many of the death-related incidents, critical details of the incident were often missing, preventing the Agency from determining the cause of the death.

The only reported deaths that were found to be “probably” or “definitely” related to Seresto product use were associated with mechanical strangulation or trauma caused by the collar, often associated with a failure of the release mechanism.

For all other deaths, EPA did not identify cases with a probable or definite association between collar use and death, often due to other factors impacting the animal, such as an existing medical condition. In addition, the rate of deaths reported for Seresto was similar to that for other pet products reviewed. E

EPA also analyzed all non-lethal incidents, such as neurological symptoms. In some incidents with moderate or severe clinical sign removal of the collar seemed to alleviate symptoms and/or reapplication of the collar coincided with a reoccurrence of symptoms. Based on these findings, Elanco, the registrant of Seresto, has agreed to implement the following measures:

To alert veterinarians and consumers of potential risks, the terms of continued registration require Elanco to include label warnings on Seresto products that describe common adverse effects that have been reported, along with instructions to remove the collar if those effects occur and instructions on how to report the incident. Elanco also must develop an outreach program to more effectively communicate with veterinarians and the public on the risks of using the product and other similar pesticides on pets.
To improve the quality of data reported when receiving reported incidents from consumers, Elanco must pursue additional information to the greatest extent possible to ensure that complete details of each event are captured. This information includes whether the pet had any pre-existing conditions or previous history of the reported condition. The Seresto pet collar registration has also been split into two registrations, one for cats and one for dogs, to make comparison of incident data across products easier in the future. Elanco must report incident and sales data to EPA on an annual basis.
To reduce the risk of strangulation, Elanco must evaluate potential changes to the emergency release mechanism of Seresto pet collars to prevent death by strangulation or choking. The company must submit a report detailing the data and analysis collected and performed in pursuit of this effort within one year. Based on this evaluation, EPA may require a modified release mechanism for the Seresto collar.
To allow for the continued evaluation of reported incidents, EPA has limited its current approval of Seresto collar registrations to five years. EPA will continue to evaluate Seresto incident data over that period.
To learn more, read EPA’s decision document.

Frequent Q&As
1. What are the potential risks of using Seresto pet collars on dogs and cats?

When used according to label instructions and precautions, pet products such as Seresto pet collars can be very effective, but when misapplied or not used according to directions, your pets may be unnecessarily exposed to pesticides and could become ill. More commonly reported adverse events inude itching for dogs and hair changes near the collar application site for cats. Less common, but more serious reported adverse events, include neurological symptoms, such as convulsions or ataxia.

Monitor your pet for side effects or signs of sensitivity after applying the product, particularly when using the product on your pet for the first time. Consumers whose pet experiences adverse reactions from treatment with a flea and tick product should consult their veterinarian immediately. They should also contact the National Pesticide Information Center, an EPA information-sharing partner that has staff who are specially trained in responding to pesticide exposure incidents, including those involving pets. For flea and tick collars specifically, pet owners should remove the collar immediately if the pet experiences any adverse reaction. In addition, consumers whose pets experienced an adverse reaction from pet collars or topical treatments should also report the incident on EPA’s website at www.epa.gov/pets.

2. Why didn’t EPA cancel Seresto pet collars?

Seresto pet collars continue to meet EPA’s standards under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) while providing important flea and tick prevention for dogs and cats, and lice control for dogs. The new mitigation measures will aid in the continued review of this product and help raise awareness in the veterinary and consumer community about potential risks from pesticide products used on pets. The new measures will also provide more information to users about how to prevent and report adverse reactions from Seresto pet collars.

3. When will the labels changes take effect?

Elanco must implement the new registration requirements by the next printing of Seresto pet collar labels, which must occur in the next 12 months. Elanco must split the pet collar registration into two registrations, one for cats and one for dogs. The company must also add label warnings on Seresto products that discuss common adverse effects that have been reported, along with instructions to remove the collar if those effects occur and instructions on how to report the incident.

4. Why is EPA continuing to review Seresto pet collars? How will EPA continue to review Seresto pet collars in the next few years?

EPA is committed to improving the process by which pet product-related incidents are considered in the pesticide registration and re-evaluation process. The Agency is requiring Elanco to report incident and sales data on an annual basis and provide additional information about incidents whenever possible. Any new data collected on Seresto will be analyzed by EPA.

5. How does the Whitepaper A Modern Approach to EPA and FDA Product Oversight impact the registration of Seresto pet collars?

The EPA and FDA whitepaper describes the current challenges and potential opportunities of a modernized approach to regulation of certain products, including products like Seresto that are topically applied to animals to control fleas or ticks. One aspect of that proposed modernized approach includes a process for transferring oversight of flea and tick pet products, such as Seresto pet collars, from EPA to FDA. The proposals in the whitepaper do not yet impact the registration of Seresto pet collars.

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Seresto flea collar should be recalled after 2,500 pet deaths, lawmakers say
JUNE 17, 2022 / 9:10 AM / MONEYWATCH

The popular Seresto flea-and-tick collar should be recalled following research showing the roughly $70 device poses risks to pets and their owners, according to a new congressional report. The findings link the collar to almost 100,000 incidents and 2,500 pet deaths. 

Almost 34 million of the collars have been sold to American pet owners, who have been attracted by the product's pledge to ward off ticks and fleas for up to eight months, compared with other treatments that must be applied monthly. But the collar, made by Elanco Animal Health, is linked to a higher number of death and injury reports than competing products, claims the report from the Committee on Oversight and Reform's subcommittee on economic and consumer policy.

The report may prompt some pet owners to question if they want to buy or continue using the product, part of the $232 billion pet-care industry. During the pandemic, more Americans adopted pets, while spending on pet-related items have surged during the health crisis, according to Grand View Research. 

The subcommittee's report highlighted the number of reports of injury or death that owners linked to the collar, as well as Canada's decision to bar sales of the Seresto collar because its review of U.S. incidents and toxicology studies found it "posed too great a risk to pets and their owners to be sold in Canada."

During a hearing before the committee on Wednesday, Elanco Animal Health CEO Jeffrey Simmons said the collar is safe and had been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, undergoing more than 80 safety, toxicity and efficacy studies.

"Adverse event reports aren't proof of causation," Simmons said in the hearing. "We haven't found a single death due to the ingredients in the collar."

In 2021, there were just over 17 incident reports for every 10,000 collars sold, with most of those issues involving irritation or redness, according to Elanco. In a statement to CBS MoneyWatch, the company said an analysis of all such reports between 2013 and 2021 shows "no established link between the active ingredients in Seresto and pet death."

Added Elanco: "Given the robust scientific evidence for Seresto's strong safety profile, we are proud to stand behind the product as an important tool to protect pets from fleas and ticks and the damaging diseases they carry."

Symptoms: Skin lesions, lethargy
The report cited findings from Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), which Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democrat from Illinois and the chairman of the committee, said is akin to the EPA in the U.S.

The PMRA's analysis of symptoms experienced by hundreds of pets included skin lesions and irritated skin, which sometimes covered large areas of a pet's body and didn't resolve after the collar was removed, the report said. Other symptoms include lethargy, abnormal behavior, excessive grooming and vocalization, vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia, according to the panel.  

"These troubling symptoms appeared shortly after use of the Seresto collar began, mostly within the first month," according to the report. "Many pet owners reacted by removing their pets' collars early," it said. 

One pet owner, Thoomas Mairino, of Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, said in the hearing that the family's dog suffered from increasingly severe symptoms, including a bleeding patches on her stomach and a seizure, after they began using a Seresto collar on the advice of their veterinarian. Although they consulted with several other vets, her condition worsened, and the family eventually decided to have the dog put down. 

"The final 18 months of her life were agonizing to watch," he told lawmakers. "If I could help prevent another family from going through what my family went through, I wanted to act.

Some pet owners also reportedly experienced side effects, the panel's report added. These included skin and immune disorders, as well as respiratory, neurological and digestive impacts such as throat irritation, dizziness and nausea, it said.

The report included several recommendations, including a voluntary recall of the collars by Elanco. It also suggested that the EPA revamp its review process for products with pesticides.

For Immediate Release, November 7, 2022


Nathan Donley, (971) 717-6406, ndonley@biologicaldiversity.org

Newly Obtained EPA Documents Reveal Seresto Flea Collars Now Linked to More Than 100,000 Reports of Harm to Pets, Nearly 2,700 Deaths

Over 10 Years Agency Has Received Average of 25 Reports Daily of Injuries to Pets Wearing Seresto Collars But Taken No Action

WASHINGTON— Reports of harm to pets wearing Seresto flea collars have now soared to 100,592, including 2,698 deaths, according to new Environmental Protection Agency incident reports obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity.

There are also 894 reports of humans being harmed after exposure to the pet collar.

The new EPA data reveals that there has been an average of 25 dog and cat injury reports per day since the collars went on the market in March 2012. An average of 21 pet deaths linked to the collars have been reported each month.

“The fact that on average, 25 different people every day are linking this collar with harm to their pet, and then reporting it to the authorities, is absolutely shocking,” said Nathan Donley, environmental health science director at the Center. “This has been happening constantly for 10 years, and the EPA has done nothing.”

Earlier this year the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy held an oversight hearing and released a report based on a year-long investigation detailing the EPA’s failure to take action to protect pets from harms associated with the Seresto collars.

The committee’s report detailed how Seresto had a much higher number of total incidents and “major” and “death” incidents than any other flea and tick treatments, even when accounting for the number of collars sold.

The Seresto collar had nearly 4,000 more — or 58% more — incidents than the second-most dangerous flea-control product, and over 7,000 more — or 235% more — incidents than the third most dangerous product.

The report noted that the Seresto collar was banned in Canada after an assessment by federal regulators found that it probably or possibly caused 77% of “death” and “major” reported incidents involving its use.

The EPA’s Office of Inspector General is currently investigating whether the agency has violated federal law by failing to take action on the Seresto flea collar.

Emails previously released under the Freedom of Information Act detailed how EPA managers had reportedly instructed staff not to put in writing their concerns about Seresto. The emails revealed significant internal strife within the agency regarding the pet collars, with staff scientists and incident coordinators repeatedly urging managers to take action on Seresto.

Despite the escalating number of incidents and the consistent nature of the harms reported — such as severe rashes and seizures — the EPA has put in place no restrictions or alerted pet owners to the potential risks.

In July 2021 the agency sought public comment on the Center’s petition to cancel the registration of the Seresto.

However, the newly obtained documents reveal a process fraught with delays and no commitment to a timeline on action even as more incidents and deaths are reported. An EPA review of detailed incident reports requested in April 2021 by Elanco, the flea collar’s maker, was originally estimated to be completed in September 2022. That was subsequently pushed back to sometime in “fall.” No review has been released to date.

The EPA has steadfastly remained uncommitted to a deadline to take regulatory action on Seresto a year and a half after The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting and USA Today published their initial investigation on the issue.

“Every single month this drags on is another month where 21 more people have to make that dreaded phone call to report that their pet died after wearing this collar. And who knows how many grieving pet owners never file a report,” said Donley. “The EPA’s delay and inaction have heartbreaking consequences every day, and it’s long past time for the agency to do its job.”

The Center for Biological Diversity is a national, nonprofit conservation organization with more than 1.7 million members and online activists dedicated to the protection of endangered species and wild places.

amazon 評價都寫很長,大家自己上去看。 貓用,有一些人說沒效、有 脖子受傷的案例; 狗用,也是有人說 沒效,仍然有跳蚤,蜱蟲。
Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2021,7歲母貓死亡。

1.0 out of 5 stars Made my cat sick
Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2023
Size: 1 PackStyle: Cat OnlyVerified Purchase
I've been using Seresto collars on my dogs and cats since Seresto hit the market back in 2012. I normally purchase them from the vet but Amazon was cheaper so I went the cheaper route. Boy do I regret it. I just took my cat to the vet and had her yearly check up and had a whole senior panel run, which came back she was in perfect health. Then I put the collar on right after. Within days she had stopped eating and became very lethargic. I couldn't figure out what was causing it but after using Seresto for 11 years it never occurred to me it could be from the collar. Finally after a week I decided to remove the collar and see if it helped. Within 24 hours she's perked up and in 48 she was back to her normal self. Eating and playing again.

I've done a lot of research since and with the amount of lawsuits and pet deaths that have been brushed under the rug I will NOT be using this product anymore. Thankfully whatever it did to my cat was reversible and nothing more severe happened to her.

2023年8月8日 星期二

安樂死的重量 ─ 生命品質如何衡量?


2016年的文章。 現在 2023年收容所的環境與照顧 已有改善,甚至與國外同等級; 民間狗園的慘況,仍存在,延伸到 被人餵食物的遊蕩犬貓,吃 玉米粉乾糧、吃廚餘、生病了無法治療、生病了仍然不收編回家、生病了就醫之後再丟回街上,放任狗狗痛苦的咬自己,這些都是真實慘況,部份 礙媽 只會 情緒勒索、報慘況然後募款,就是不能帶回家或找地方讓生病犬貓恢復健康,帶去看醫生已經是最大的恩賜。


作者 陳玉敏 2016-08-31 獨立評論











當時國際間執行小動物的安樂死,普遍採取「高劑量之巴比妥酸鹽(Sodium pentobarbital for injection)注射法」,此藥經科學研究,能作用於中樞神經系統,具深層鎮靜安眠效果,且在一定劑量後,能迅速停止動物心跳,然而當時台灣並未進口。



而原本,牠們是會被關在籠中,用起吊機將狗籠吊起,然後浸入一旁的大水槽中活活淹死的。然而沒多久,整個「愛狗圈」便開始攻擊,說我們拿了「巴比妥酸鹽」廠商的錢,引進此藥劑來台灣殺狗 、動保團體居然變成「殺狗團體」……等,也因此「檯面上」的原因,我們整個秘書處同仁在背負莫需有的指責與誣陷委屈下,離開了當年沒日沒夜奮鬥打拚的動保組織。

























2023年 遊蕩犬數量高達15萬隻,都是 棄養?? 浪浪團體強調 源頭管理,避談 戶外餵養 + 未結紮而不斷的生生不息。

作者 陳玉敏 2016-09-27







1996年,台灣通過動物保護法前三年,為了建立並提升台灣民眾飼養寵物的飼主責任,以及減少街頭流浪狗的出生,我們推動了兩項計畫。一是與英國「世界動物保護協會」(WSPA,現改名為WAP)合作的「Pet Respect尊重寵物」運動,包括倡議家犬絕育及登記等飼主責任教育;另一項則是名為「讓痛苦到牠為止──為流浪狗絕育」計畫,企圖解決在尚無法律可以保護動物、以及愛心人士餵養流浪狗卻反而造成更多犬隻生育下,流浪動物遭指責污染環境、或已絕育的浪犬遭捕捉,形成資源浪費與更多不當對待動物的問題。
















從1998 年的 「犬傷」到2008年的「台灣奇蹟──從生命到垃圾」,我們兩次全面性的體檢台灣流浪犬貓收容管理的政策。我們所思索的是:如果沒有動物福利做為基礎,無法提升公私立收容所及整體社會對「動物福利」內涵的瞭解、讓民眾了解飼養動物所需具備的動物福利觀念、並讓收容所扮演好流浪動物中途之家及推動飼主教育的角色,動保人士的救援將會是無止無盡的深淵。


請讓我們先好好界定,狗這個由灰狼經過人類上萬年馴化(domestication)所產生的人工品系(breed),早已不是「野生動物」,被人們棄養的流浪犬,不是「野化犬」也不是「野生動物」,至於流浪犬貓在野外生存所繁殖出的下一代,縱算要稱為野化動物(naturalized animal),但野化動物同樣不等於「野生動物」。













國際同伴動物管理聯盟(ICAM)於2015年出版的《我們真的改變了什麼嗎?──狗口管理方案的監督與評估》(Are we making a difference ? -- A guide to monitoring and evaluating dog population management interventions),提醒各國「愛」狗人士,包括學者、倡議者、動保組織、贊助者,在大家關心犬隻族群管理的介入方式時,真正應該注意的是狗的福利,及其可能影響因素。每個介入的方案,是否:

1.增進狗的福利(以動物為主體的指標,animal based indicators)?
2.增進提供給狗的照顧(以資源投入為基礎的指標,resource based indicators)?




2023年8月6日 星期日

加拿大 動物管理 (負面文)


加拿大 動物保護法


加拿大 動物保護法2:


Northern Saskatchewan First Nation to cull stray dogs

Band chief says wild dogs pose a safety risk to children

CBC News · Posted: Apr 08, 2015 8:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: April 8, 2015

The Fond Du Lac Denesuline First Nation in northern Saskatchewan will begin its annual spring cull of wild dogs this week. Band Chief, Earl Lidguerre, said the cull is needed to protect residents of the remote reserve.

"You don't know who the owners are because they're just loose dogs and nobody seems to have ownership of them," Lidguerre said. "Sometimes there's a pack of dogs running around and it's just not safe for the young children within the community."

Lidguerre said there are about 40 to 50 stay dogs in the community. Two weeks ago the band notified members that starting Monday April 6 any loose dogs would be put to rest.

"We shoot them but we do it with safety. One person has been doing it. He's a good hunter," Lidguerre said. "He's been doing it for the past several years without any incident or harm to the membership."

The Fond Du Lac Denesuline First Nation does not have a SPCA service or a veterinary clinic to spay and neuter wild dogs.

In 2010 a 10-year-old boy was mauled to death by dogs on the Canoe Lake First Nation.

Lidguerre said there have been no serious dog attacks on the the Fond Du Lac Denesuline First Nation so far this year.

RCMP in Fond Du Lac confirm they were notified by the band of the cull.




Village in Saskatchewan cancels dog cull after social media backlash

By Deb Matejicka  Global News

Posted July 18, 2019 5:53 pm

 Updated February 2, 2022 6:45 pm



Saskatchewan First Nation says disposal of culled dogs was poorly handled






This article was published more than 4 years ago. Some information may no longer be current.

A First Nation in eastern Saskatchewan says it is reviewing its policies after 11 dead dogs that had been culled were found near railway tracks.

The RCMP began investigating last week after receiving several reports of dead dogs near the town of Runnymede near the Manitoba boundary.

The investigation led back to the Cote First Nation.

Darlene Bryant, the band’s health director, says the cull was regrettable but necessary.

She says dogs are often abandoned on the First Nation’s land north of Kamsack, Sask., and they quickly become strays that hunt for food and sometimes form packs.

Bryant says the animals tear into garbage bins and become increasingly aggressive.

“Throughout the year we’ve had nine bites,” said Bryant. “These range from the smallest child to an adult.”

It’s especially a concern for the nearly 70 children, between four and 18, who attend the First Nation’s youth centre, she said. Some children have been attacked and are now too scared to return.

Bryant said that so many dogs are left on Cote land that there are usually two or three culls a year.

The disposal of the dogs was inappropriate, said Bryant, who added that the contractor hired to cull the animals made his own decision about where to leave the bodies. The contractor won’t be hired again, she said.

There are no laws against culling dogs when they become nuisance animals, as long as the cull is done humanely.

Don Ferguson, executive director of Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan, warns that there are consequences for people who abandon or neglect dogs.

“Abandoning their dog is contrary to the Animal Prevention Act and they could be charged if found abandoning their dogs,” he said.

He recommends that pet owners seek alternatives to leaving their pets.

“There are still agencies, like the respective humane societies and SPCAs, where they can be humanely euthanized.”

Bryant told CTV News that alternatives to culls are being sought. In the short term, she said, the band office is looking to partner with a shelter to help find homes for the dogs. There’s also some thought of the First Nation constructing its own kennels. (CTV Regina)

Editor’s note: (April 12, 2019) A previous version of this story incorrectly identified Don Ferguson as the executive director of the Saskatchewan SPCA. This version has been corrected.



Northern community faces backlash over planned dog cull

Apr 12, 2022 | 5:18 PM

Pending the hiring of a person to carry out the work, the northern community of Pelican Narrows is strongly looking at the possibility of conducting a dog cull over the Easter long weekend.

According to a statement from Chief and council, the bounty hunter will be out and about in the community, and local residents who want to save their pets are encouraged to keep them tied up. Councillor Sarah Swan explained to paNOW the situation, which she attributed to negligent owners, has gotten very bad.

“In less than one week we had 10 people (adults) taken to the clinic regarding dog bites and the nurse said one of them would have been fatal if it wasn’t caught on time,” she said.

Estimating there’s currently as many as 100 stray dogs running around the community, Swan noted an incident as recently as Tuesday morning where a pack of 20 dogs was seen in a bunch, fighting, and tearing another dog apart. She explained the community has tried using a bounty program in the past, but has had trouble hiring people to do the work.

“Some got in trouble like the owners would get mad at the bounty for killing their dogs that were unchained, untied and not taken care of,” she said.

While the planned cull this weekend is still not a guarantee, Swan explained the person hired to do the cull will pick up the stray dogs, and perform the task at the dump, away from the eyes of young children.

The community’s plans have not gone unnoticed and at least one dog rescue group has appealed through social media for the community to meet with them and develop a better plan. Swan explained the community has used a rescue group in the past, but claimed the rescuer was only taking away the smaller, hungry dogs and not the bigger, more aggressive dogs. She also added the volunteer was not from the actual community.

“She doesn’t see and hear of all these incidents happening, like she doesn’t walk our streets to see all the dog packs and all the mean dogs that are on every street”, Swan said. “She would be scared.”

Gayle Yungwirth, with North of 54 Frontline Dog Rescue, is the volunteer who has been travelling to the northern community for the past three-and-a-half years. She told paNOW she was surprised hear about the cull plans.

“To my knowledge there has not been a cull/shoot in the community since I started rescuing there in late 2018,” she said.

With respect to the situation at hand, Yungworth agreed there are a lot of dogs there, but added it is very hard to determine whether a dog is owned or not. Most dogs roam freely throughout the community and do not have collars which immediately identifies whether they are owned.

Estimating that she traveIs to Pelican Narrows at least every two weeks, and sometimes weekly, Yungwirth said they have not done a large rescue there for awhile now as they do not have access to a cargo van. The closest place to rent is Prince Albert and there is no guarantee that a vehicle is always available.

“But whenever I go there I come home with dogs. I get messages and pics on a regular basis,” she said, explaining the pickups include surrenders, dogs/pups that have come to a property but are not their dogs, strays needing help, injured dogs (from dog fights or hit by cars), sick dogs, or Momma’s and babies that have been located in a den, or under a building.

When asked what option she would propose for the community, Yungwirth suggested they hire a full-time Animal Control Officer and provide them with a vehicle and proper equipment needed to rescue animals. Other options she thinks are good are limiting the number of dogs per household; and imposting a fine for owned dogs that get retrieved for a fine. If picked up a second time, the dog gets relocated.

“All dogs must be registered and tagged at the Band or Village Office, ideally with proof of vaccinations and spayed or neutered,” she said.

Moving forward Yungwirth said she has a group chat going with the five band council members from Pelican Narrows, and has requested a meeting Wednesday in the community.

“I want to say that I have met some absolutely awesome people in these communities.There are many families that take very good care of their pets, love their animals. Many in the community help animals in need by feeding them and reaching out to me. People thank me every time I go up there for what I am doing,” she said.
