2023年6月9日 星期五

歐洲 動物保護 3


驢子最高工時只有8小時 波蘭名導說服牠演戲有妙招 (鏡週刊

更新於 2022年11月29日21:21)


由於在波蘭有動物保護法,所有動物包括驢子在片場工作一天頂多8小時,導演「我們要確保拍攝期間,動物們樂在拍片,劇組都有馴獸師和獸醫隨側悉心照料,並且適時暫停和讓牠們休息。」 同時也強調拍攝期間所有人都對動物愛心以待,在拍攝上寧願重新安排場面,或是移動攝影機位,也不去試圖說服驢子去做牠們不想做的事,導演笑讚:「驢子不知道什麼是『表演』,牠們僅僅是表現出原本的狀態,牠們善盡職責做好本分,驢子是超棒的演員。」並且在《如果驢知道》拍攝經驗中獲益良多。

全文,圖:https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/Ya03lEL (以上文,只有貼 動物福利的文)


Tens of thousands of dogs disappear in Poland without trace
12 April 2012 Eurogroup for Animals

Every year, even one hundred thousand dogs go to places where their fate is difficult to determine - estimates the Office of Animal Protection of the ARGOS Foundation, which monitors the situation in Polish shelters.
Tens of thousands of them are killed, bitten, starving or exhausted. Local governments pay for alleged animal care. There are about 140 officially registered animal shelters in Poland. Beside them are unregistered shelters. They are most often called shelters, animal storage rooms and temporary care homes. They are not subject to the supervision of veterinary services and their activities are not monitored by municipalities.

The data of the Veterinary Inspection show that between 70,000 and 100,000 are registered in shelters. dogs per year. It can be carefully estimated that another 70,000 animals go to unregistered hugs, shelters or simply to companies that export them in an unknown direction - Tadeusz Wypych alerts from the Animal Protection Office.

Lack of supervision over such entities often results in pathologies. A year ago, tvp.info described the case of a vet from Oborniki Śląskie. He ran a hotel for animals and caught up on homeless dogs and cats. When representatives of the Help Animals Association decided to check what was happening with the animals he saved, the doctor presented adoption agreements. However, it turned out that they were forged. - We have no doubt that he killed animals. In total, up to several dozen or several hundred dogs could lose their lives, '' said Dariusz Wilbik, president of the association.

2012年01月03日11:22 來源:國際在線 搜狐新聞
 作者:韓新忠 (責任編輯:UN606)

Why There Are No Stray Dogs In Norway
June 22, 2022 by Nicklas Iversen

