2023年6月14日 星期三


 字數 6787

英國動物保護法 https://cherishdogs-animals.blogspot.com/2017/04/blog-post.html


英國養狗法 Dog laws UK



父母帶19隻哈士奇訓練出意外 3個月英女嬰遭活活咬死 (2023年8月15日 週二 下午12:16 劉哲琪)


綜合外媒報導,55歲英國男子文斯(Vince King)與他當時的妻子凱倫(Karen Alcock)和3個月大的女兒凱拉,2022年3月6日前往林肯郡伍德霍爾溫泉 (Woodhall Spa)旁的林地,訓練飼養的19隻哈士奇。文斯駕駛一輛經過改裝、載有可上鎖籠子的廂型車,將19隻哈士奇分成兩隊,輪流在林地進行拉雪橇訓練。




凱倫與文斯接連認罪後,英國林肯王室法庭14日判處文斯10個月有期徒刑、緩刑2年、且必須完成100小時勞動服務。凱倫被判處8個月有期徒刑、緩刑2年和80小時勞動服務。據了解,文斯與凱倫參加哈士奇比賽已經有數年時間,經常帶著2隊狗進行訓練。這起意外發生後,2人未被取消養狗資格,但被勒令處理掉攻擊女童的暴雪。 TVBS


父母養19隻哈士奇! 3個月大女兒「躺嬰兒車被狗咬」當場死亡

2023年08月15日 15:22



鄰居種大麻養鬥牛犬 女子親眼目狗闖入花園活活咬死母親

(2023.06.14.PM03:00.CTWANT )


根據《每日鏡報》報導,英國西米德蘭茲郡(West Midlands)一名85歲女子露西兒(Lucille Downer),2021年4月2日在家中花園時,隔壁鄰居飼養的2隻美國鬥牛犬偷偷闖入家中。隨後露西兒便遭到鬥牛犬圍攻,緊咬她的脖子不放,最終因為重傷不幸身亡。


事後根據警方調查後發現,2隻鬥牛犬的主人是44歲的達倫(Darren Pritchard),而當警方搜索達倫家時,發現家中有許多分裝好的大麻,頂樓還種植大麻植物,整間房屋就是一個大麻工廠。事後他也向警方坦承,自己確實種植大麻對外販售。



英國 飼主在北安普敦郡的人行道和某些公園內放狗亂跑,會被罰 1000英磅。

Public asked about £1,000 fines for dogs off leads

At a glance

North Northamptonshire Council has approved a consultation on a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for the area

It could see dog owners fined up to £1,000 if they are let off leads in certain areas

The authority said most dog owners were responsible, but the order was a "tool" to tackle those that were not

Pete Cooper

BBC News, Northamptonshire


8 June 2023

Residents will be asked for their views on fines of up to £1,000 for people letting their dogs off leads on footpaths and in certain parks in Northamptonshire, after a consultation was approved.

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) are already in place in Wellingborough, Kettering and East Northamptonshire, but are due to expire in November.

They were rolled over from the previous authorities, which North Northamptonshire replaced in 2021, and the new proposal will look to impose an order for the whole council area including Corby.

North Northamptonshire Council leader Jason Smithers said most dog owners were responsible, but the order was "just a tool in the armoury of holding to account" those that were not.

The executive on the Conservative-led authority approved a public consultation on a PSPO across the whole of North Northamptonshire.

Under the new proposed PSPO, it would be illegal for:

Owners not to remove dog faeces from public land

Owners to let dogs off leads in certain parks, footpaths, car parks and cemeteries

Owners to allow their dogs into play areas and some parks

The council has listed 92 publicly accessible areas where the PSPO could apply, external.

Owners could be issued £100 fixed penalty notices or, if escalated, could be fined up to £1,000 in magistrates' courts, external.

A report to North Northamptonshire Council said one PSPO would "remove inconsistencies" across the area.

It also said allowing the three current orders to lapse could "increase dog fouling and dog control complaints and issues".

Mr Smithers told a meeting of the council executive the order "gives us options" with issues "caused by unruly dogs and their owners".



男飼主蹓狗時踢狗,被判刑 12小時社區服務、50小時的無償工作

Man filmed kicking dog during walk in Stowmarket sentenced

A man caught kicking a dog during a walk past a house with a doorbell camera has been sentenced.

The footage showed Cameron Quilter, 24, appearing to trip over the animal before kicking it.

The dog is then heard yelping after the incident in the Northfield View estate in Stowmarket, Suffolk on 3 March.

Quilter, of Golding Way in the town, admitting causing unnecessary suffering to an animal at Suffolk Magistrates' Court in Ipswich and was given a 12-month community order and told to carry out 50 hours of unpaid work.  (2023.06.08)




Man jailed after being caught on camera punching and kicking dog (2023.06.07)

A man who punched his dog with such force that he injured his hand and went to hospital has been jailed for 26 weeks.

The RSPCA said Edward Casey was caught on camera verbally and physically abusing Staffordshire bull terrier Patch on two occasions in Marshall Way, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, in June 2022.

Casey had claimed his hand injury was the result of food cans falling on him.

He was prosecuted after the RSPCA was sent two videos of the cruelty.

In one video, on 21 June, Casey told Patch to go to bed before "forcefully" kicking him twice.

In the second, on 22 June, Casey is seen coming into the lounge of the property and reprimanding the dog, before kicking him under the chin and punching him.

The RSPCA said: "This appeared to have been done with such force that Casey was left wincing and holding his hand."

The charity said the person who reported the cruelty said Casey later sought treatment for tissue damage, falsely claiming food cans had fallen on his hand.

On 26 June, the RSPCA attended another property, accompanied by police, and spoke to Casey before Patch was seized.

The dog was checked over by a vet and not found to have any major or lasting injuries.

The charity said Casey had already been banned from keeping animals.

Inspector Rachel Leafe said: "He [Casey] admitted he knew he was in breach of his disqualification order at this time and that he'd been in breach of it previously."

Casey, 38, of Ebenezer Street, in Ilkeston, admitted two charges of animal cruelty and breaching a lifetime ban on keeping animals. He was sentenced at Southern Derbyshire Magistrates' Court on 22 May.



野生小海豹被寵物狗狂咬慘遭人道毀滅 名律師飼主未繫牽繩惹議(110.03.25 蘋果日報)
面對輿論撻伐,薩本克萊兒透過律師表示,已經主動與警方聯絡,並被轉介到皇家愛護動物協會(RSPCA)處理,迄今尚未被控告任何罪行。倫敦警方仍在調查整起事件。 圖文:https://pse.is/3d32b4

